Terms of use

Terms of use apply to all content and services of the Tonus shop website. By using any part of the site, it is considered that the users are familiar with these conditions, as well as that they accept the use of the content of this portal exclusively for personal use and at their own risk.

Privacy protection

The Tonus Shop site respects the privacy of its users and customers and therefore will not disclose or distribute user data to a third party except in case of violation of the Terms of Use and in case of user approval.

More information can be found on the separate Privacy Policy page.

Links to other web pages

Links to other websites, which are not the property of the Tonus shop site, are not considered part of the site and Tonus shop is not responsible for them.

The social network

In accordance with the Terms of Use of the social network Facebook, users are responsible for the content of the comments they leave on Facebook.

Changes to the terms of use

Tonus Shop reserves the right to change these terms of use at any time. The Tonus Shop site will not be responsible for possible consequences resulting from such changes.